8 Hours

The past year has been incredible. As a family we have stepped out in faith, moved to St. Augustine and planted a church with some incredible people.  With a church that is 9 weeks old I can’t tell you how proud I am of the team God has assembled. We are running (on average) 70-80 adults and 35 children.  We keep track of this because every life that God sends to Awaken City Church matters.  We are gearing up for Easter and our first baptisms!  We are excited, as a team, to see how God is moving!

I always knew that church planting would involve sacrifice and focus, however I will say that I underestimated the time commitment.  I am bi-vocational, working as a contract engineer and being part time at the church.  This is temporary as we are praying that God would continue to grow the church and allow me to go on full time.  I am thankful that I get to provide for my family and as this allows us to continue to minister in our incredible city.

With this said I spend, on average, 8 hours in my jeep commuting each week.  I use this time to pray, listen to podcasts and simply disconnect.  As of late the Lord has put a burden on my heart to find an engineering position locally in St. Augustine.  Doing so will afford me the opportunity to meet people for lunch, see my family a little while longer before and after work, and enjoy a shorter commute.

The personal lesson I want to share in this is post is centered around the idea of seasons. I am coming to the end of a season of commuting.  Sometimes our spiritual lives require us to commute. We may feel like life is routine at time, and to a certain degree it is.  I want to encourage you to enjoy the ride.  Pray, enjoy creation, and know the our Heavenly Father is always preparing us for the next assignment.

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