No. 9: Cultivate My Sense of Wonder

Moving up the list of my top 10 goals for 2017 I come to No. 9…

9. Cultivate My Sense of Wonder.
10. Enjoy every moment of 2017.

Ever since I was a child I have lived by asking questions, lots of them.  For those of you who know me personally this should come as no surprise. I thrive on new things, new challenges, and the unexplored.  Growing up as an only child I spent countless hours creating things and exploring; often times drawing inspiration from drawing, and even movie series such as Back To The Future and Indiana Jones (to name a few).  So when I think of 2017, I come up with this conclusion:

2017 has so much opportunity for my family, myself,  and for Awaken City Church!

Let me preface this post with this truth, I am not an expert in the affairs of the mind so I am not qualified to sort through what this may, or may not mean from a physiological perspective.  With that said, I can personally attest that when I dream or engage in vision-neering, I temporarily land in my sweet spot.  I get EXCITED.  I become FULLY engaged and completely COMMITTED. This is exciting for me.  This DRIVES me.

So how does one go about cultivating a sense of wonder for 2017?  Well here are 3 things I am going to do to accomplish this:

  1. Spend time learning from the master creator by spending time in the Bible.
  2. Create time (daily) for an open space with no commitments in an effort to give my creativity a playground.
  3. Learn as much as I can from other creatives and vision-neers.

At the end of 2017 I am not necessarily looking to grade myself on what I have achieved, but rather how well I stayed committed to feeding the things that fill me.   I hope you do the same thing too!


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