
So I went for a trail run this morning. Over the past few weeks I have noticed more and more green as the foliage has come in. The trail looks absolutely beautiful with color. I have run this particular trail for almost three years now. Each time I run this trail, it takes just about an
hour and I burn just about 1,000 calories. It’s a very familiar setting for me and a place where I can reflect.

This morning I stopped and pondered how different things look with and without leaves. From winter to spring, this trail takes on a whole new look and feel. It is the same trail with the same hills, same corners and same level of difficulty but yet it seems different. The entire trail takes on a different feel when the leaves are absent. You can see all around and the absence of leaves opens up field of view.

This made me think of God’s Word and seasons of my life. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I stop and look around at a familiar section of scripture and note the season of life I am in, it takes on a whole new feel. I say all of this to say, don’t discount a familiar section of scripture. God’s Word is living and breathing and is meant to applied to all areas of our lives and at all times. This is the beauty of the scriptures. We may change, but God’s Word does not.

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