2013 Haiti Trip: Day #5

Guest Blogger: Melanie Smith
Kids! Kids! And more kids!

Today we made our way back to Pastor Rene’s church to do our VBS program. The day started out slow with only about 10 kids but quickly escalated to well over a hundred. Laughter and smiles filled the room. Even the simplest game of keep away was so exciting for them. The church quickly filled as children were bused in from the surrounding areas.

Once we had played soccer and football
and painted as many faces as possible it was time for the music to begin! After many long sweaty bus rides most of us had mastered the three songs in creole that we had worked so hard to learn. (Here I am to worship, I’ve got the joy, and Jesus loves the little children) It was really cool to worship with the kids in their own language. I was amazed at how most of them already knew all the words to the songs!

Next came a skit of David and Goliath which really got the kids attention. They laughed and laughed when Goliath came falling down and the Lord’s army had won! Erica and Jason delivered testimonies and after leading the kids in the salvation prayer, several kids raised their hands saying that they had invited Jesus into their lives as their Savior!

As our program came to a close the kids were waiting in anticipation to receive something from us. All they wanted was something small to call their own. It broke my heart to see all of those kids simply wanting one piece of peppermint. That’s it. They weren’t complaining about not having the newest technological toy, but just asking for one piece of candy. It made me realize how truly blessed I am.

It was such a blessing to get to spend time with the kids today and pour the love of God into them! I’m excited to see what God has in store for us during these next two days as we serve together and spread the word of God to the people of Haiti!

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