2013 New Hampshire Trip: Day #3

Guest Blogger: Hanneh
Today Instead of serving Riverbank by going out and picking up trash, hanging door hangers or just serving the church, we served Riverbank by getting involved in the community and getting to know local Vermont culture. By getting to know the local Vermont/ New Hampshire culture allows there to be a sense of unity and involvement between the community and the
church. This unity allows people to be able to trust Riverbank church as a church and as an asset to the community. For example, Lebanon, New Hampshire asks Riverbank to put on a movie in the town park every Thursday when they used to persecute and not welcome Riverbank. They have become an important part of the community simply by becoming a part of it.
Today we explored Ben & Jerry’s and had the “Vermonster” which was a tub of Ice cream filled to the top with 20 scoops of ice cream, 10 scoops of walnuts, 3 cookies, 1 brownie, 4 bananas, 2 scoops of Reece’s pieces and 2 scoops of M&Ms and covered in whipped cream and sprinkles. The boys got one “Vermonster”, along with the girls and we resumed to have a heated competition on who could eat it faster. Knowing Southbrook, you could assume this event was extremely loud and very competitive between the sexes and this did cause a crowd of people laughing and enjoying the funny sight of 15 teenagers eating to their death. After many burps and complaints of “IM GOING TO THROW UP” we made it to an apple cider center and I had literally the best apple cider I have ever had, it tasted like Christmas! Then, we want to Green Mountain Coffee and got to experience the “coffee quiz” where you would answer questions and it would tell you what coffee you would like best. After that coffee trip we went to an Antique mall/ craft fair type thing and got to see Kim have a field day looking at all the antiques, and some of them were pretty cool!
In all, today was really fun and to know that by having a lot of fun we really helped and served Riverbank and the community by scarfing down ice cream, laughing and drinking apple cider was an awesome feeling.

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