One Question.

I work with students a lot but I often have thoughts that apply to adults as well.  I have often considered if one question can change a life. As I reflect on my own life and can quickly note how a question to my wife Kelli changed my life (for the better).  I can also recall how a question presented to me back in 1999 about my faith changed my life.  The fact is clear that the right question given at the right time can change a life forever.  This brings me to some interesting facts we should consider:

Did you know:

  1. There are approximately 33,920 people who live in close proximity to our church.
  2. Studies indicate that approximately 48% of people in the Charlotte area (16,281 out of 33,920) are not religious (not affiliated with a faith).
  3. Studies also indicate that 82% of people (13,351 out of the 16,281) who do not currently attend church would go to church if someone asked them.

In doing this analysis, the most surprising fact to me is that only 2% of regular church attenders actively invite others to their church.  With this said, there are 16,281 people or approximately 5,449 families who would go to church if someone asked them.  This is fascinating to me.  What could happen at our church if 20% of our adults asked a family to come to church?  Well, I did the math and this would equate to 98 families walking off of the streets and into the church for the first time.  Imagine what would happen if those families had a life changing encounter with Christ?  That would be amazing.  Think of it, 98 families arrive at church (because someone invited them or better yet brought them), they hear the gospel, and they respond to an invitation to ask Jesus into their heart.  This seems outlandish…but according to the stats this is VERY possible.  I personally believe that number could be higher.  What if 50% of our congregation invited one family to church?  That would be 246 families!  I think you get the point.

Call me optimistic or crazy, but I believe God has called us to reach these 5,449 families.  From a kingdom mindset, this has huge implications.  The best part of this is that you don’t have to live in the Charlotte suburbs for this to apply.  Wherever God has placed you…never underestimate the significance of an invitation to come to your church.  Heaven will be rejoicing this holiday season and further into the new year.  I can’t wait to see/hear stories of changed lives.  God has called us to be the light in a dark world.  What if that light began with the question, “do you want to go to church with me?”.

Praying for boldness and courage for anyone who has read this blog.  I truly believe God has placed people in your life who are close to you and far from God for a reason!  Be bold and ask the question.

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