On The Line.

Here are few thoughts as I close out my time at Southbrook Church.  I can’t say THANK YOU enough to everyone who has touched my family’s life. It’s been an incredible 4 and a 1/2 years.  I have seen God move in incredible ways.  The good news is He is NOT done and I believe that the BEST days are ahead.  So here are my thoughts on the things I have learned as my call changes (in no particular order):

1. You don’t need a big budget to do student ministry:  As a student pastor I have evolved in my thinking.  I use to think that in order to reach students you needed to find some Benjamin’s.  Big events equate big ministry right?  Although you do need to have a budget, the Church can’t compete with the world with a ‘show’.  It can compete with authentic communities however.  What I have learned is that it’s about relationships. We painted a huge target of 9,000 (MS and HS students in our area) for the students to reach over two years ago.  Through community I have seen so many students invite their friends to be part of the Jesus community.  Guess what?…that didn’t cost a lot of money.   The result has yielded many students saying YES to Jesus and many getting baptized.  Thank you to the adult leaders who MAKE students happen week after week.  Your efforts have produced INCREDIBLE results.

2. Student Pastor = I can be silly: Some would argue that it’s my genetics perhaps…but I simply blame my profession for my silliness.  I have learned that I can blame all of my quirkiness on the fact that I served as a student pastor.  I simply embrace how God has raised me up.  The lesson here is to simply embrace how God has created you.  You are NOT a mistake.  Live your life to bring glory to Him.

3. God pushes you, let Him: My job was listed as a student pastor when I was hired back in November of 2010.  My responsibilities became much more over time. I have learned that you can learn so much when you allow God to push you.  Job responsibilities change…His faithfulness does not. Embrace every challenge as if God has your back…because He does.  In the middle of difficult seasons God always seems to send people to support you through prayer. We have seen this time and time again.  Thank you Southbrook for praying for us as pastors and staff.

4. Do what God says: We ended up at Southbrook because of a step of faith.  We felt God calling us away from Florida back in 2010 and that’s how we landed in North Carolina (If you want the FULL story I can share it with you, but it needs to be over a coffee…it’s somewhat lengthy;  you can also read about it here and here).  We are transitioning away from our call at Southbrook because of a step of faith.  God has clearly called us back to Florida and we are simply saying ‘yes’.  What I have learned is that when God says stay…stay…when He says go…go.  I would lean into this with your own life if you have not done so already.  Don’t wait for all the pieces to line up.  If God has called you to do it, then do it.  If you don’t He will use someone else.  Don’t miss the opportunity to grow your faith.

Random fact:  I estimate that I have eaten more Than 1,400 tacos while at Southbrook…most of them can be seen on my Instagram account.

Today I begin my new season as an ARC church planter.  We have a team of people going with us and several more praying about joining our team (I can’t wait to share with you who is on our team in a future post…I am blown away).  By the way if you have heart for North Florida then we need to talk :).

Today, my life changes.  I still love my Southbrook family with all of my heart but God has called me to focus on a new work.  Today I begin to shift 100% of my time towards AWAKEN CITY CHURCH.

You should…

There is a ton of stuff I could (and sometimes do) worry about.  There are several unknowns that I just don’t have the answers to.  I am not scared, but rather certain (click this to read more about our specific call to plant a church).  I do realize that we need a ton of prayer.  Big steps of faith require great courage and prayer.  Please pray for us.

I want to encourage you to live your life on the line.  Every step in your faith journey counts.  Don’t look for the safety net.  God has not called you and I to play it safe.  I pray that God is moving in your life in a way that scares you.  If you have a vision that can’t be accomplished by yourself, then there is a good chance it could be from God.  Live a faith filled life void of safety nets.

Live your life on the line.

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