Mister Mom: Day 2

Okay, I survived day 1. The kids and I decided to paint a wall….not in some sort of a ‘let’s surprise’ mom kinda of way…Kelli has full knowledge of what we were going to do. It has been over 5 years since I last painted the inside and I forgot the name of the paint we choose….so I turned to google…well not exactly :). I went to Bear Paints and found at least 6 different paints that could have been the one we choose five years ago. BTW have you ever noticed that even though the color is about the same it has to have a VERY different name.  I mean how many hues of the same color can one have (hence why I am not a designer). I am not sure if it is just lack of sleep catching up with me or the fact that I wanted to get started but all the names sounded ‘right’. So I had to pack the kids up and take them to Home Depot for some samples. I brought them home, found the right color and went and got the paint. Now your third child (Colty) has an obsession with balloons…I mean it’s over the top. As a slight add on trip to our Home Depot paint run I decided to go to Target to get a few items. Anything circular and colorful reminds him of balloons. Now this isn’t the cute obsession…like he says it a few times (funny ha ha)…he says it over and over and over and over and over…again (you get the point). Well sure enough our Target trip set off the Balloon button and a slight headache for me.

We got home, I fed the kids lunch, put them down for a nap and finished painting (small wall. When the clan awoke from their slumber I decided to take them to the grocery store for some much needed supplies.

Point to Ponder: Have you ever noticed how many balloons there are in a grocery story?…why do I ask such a thing…well because Colty became even more determined that if he said the word ‘balloon’ enough it would yield him one.

I did purchase him a balloon…why because I’m a sucker…and a gluten for punishment. We capped off the evening with a sandwich dinner and then a lot of daddy fun time before everyone went to bed. Of course Colty had to sleep with the balloon in his room…the phrase ‘balloon, balloon, balloon’ still echos in my head.

I cleaned up a bit and called it day.

Mister Mom: Day 1


  • What a good daddy you are 🙂 It wouldn’t be a true Almaguer weekend of fun without a balloon obsession..hehe. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow 🙂

  • Mister Mom: Day 4 |

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