Can I have 10 minutes?

I have pondered this point for many years now…why do youth services start late?  Have you ever wondered that?  As a student pastor I see students approximately about one and a half hours (tops) a week.  That equals 0.59% of a full 7 day week.  It seems that most of the student services that I have been a part of have always started 10 minutes later than the main service.  I guess you can call this time filler time, get to know you time, or hang out time…but honestly my heart has been provoked to call this a waste of time.  I so much want to have these 10 precious minutes back.  Why?  Well because eternity is on the line.  Why? Because 10 more minutes might make the difference for a student to finally understand who Jesus is and why He died for our sins.

I made a decision this week to reclaim the 10 minutes we lose for both of our Sunday morning services.  Starting on March 13th, we are claiming those 10 minutes back and will be asking students and their parents to have them at our service on time.  The gathering of believers is so important…it gives us opportunity to worship God, connect in small groups and more importantly to read God’s Word together.

I am not sure why this has been on my heart but I sense we must act on it…that I must act on it.  So word of advice students…set your alarm clocks 10 minutes earlier! 🙂

Starting March 13th I will be looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you at 9am and 11am respectively!  Spread the word!

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